| Ελ


The European Union and Frontex National Coordination Office operates under the administration of the Commander of the Aliens and Immigration Unit.

The Office is headed by an Officer, who is appointed by the Chief of Police upon the suggestion of the Commander of Aliens and Immigration Unit and recommendation by the Assistant Chief of Support.


    · Acting as a National Frontex Point of Contact

    · Dealing with Immigration and Border Guard Issues at National, European and International Levels

    · Participation or support of the participation of members of the Cyprus Police in various activities such as Council Working Groups, European and International Organizations and other Committees.

    · Coordinate Frontex operational activities in Cyprus

    · Preparing reports and informative notes in relation to subjects related to immigration

    · Planning and controlling the participation of members of the Police to Frontex operational activities in member states

    · Coordinate Frontex Agency activities and participate in the Agency's working groups, trainings and operations

    · Collection and analysis of statistical data and other information on illegal immigration

    · Collaboration with Liaison Officers in cooperation with the European Union and International Police Cooperation Directorate

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