| Ελ

Within the framework of its international relations and bilateral agreements with law enforcement agencies of other countries, the Cyprus Police Academy organises conferences, seminars and training programmes for members of police organisations in other countries, while its members participate in international conferences, training courses and working groups where they are given the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and exchange experiences.

Additionally, in terms of the Erasmus+ programme and its bilateral agreements, the Cyprus Police Academy hosts, from time to time, students from abroad, as well as members of other police organisations for training purposes. Moreover, it accepts students from various universities in Cyprus and abroad for the purposes of Practical Training in the field of Policing.

European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL)
The cooperation between the Cyprus Police and CEPOL is materialised at the Cyprus Police Academy through the CEPOL National Unit, while the Director of the Academy is a voting member at the Governing Board of CEPOL, representing Cyprus Police. Website: www.cepol.europa.eu

Training on Border Control FRONTEX
The cooperation between the Cyprus Police and FRONTEX is materialised at the Cyprus Police Academy through the Office for Handling Border Control / FRONTEX Training Issues which is responsible for organising, coordinating and monitoring the training of the members of Cyprus Police serving at the points of entry to the Republic.

Training and Mobility
The cooperation between the Cyprus Police and other Agencies / Organisations in Cyprus and abroad is materialised through the Office for Handling Training and Mobility.

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